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Our Mission


To promote awareness of Medical Massage and it’s benefits and thus elevating Massage Therapy in general to its recognition it deserves.

Even though Massage Therapy has been around for thousands of years, the benefits do go often unrecognized. Massage Therapists are often not getting the recognition they deserve for reversing so many soft tissue conditions as well as the many health benefits manual therapy provides.

Furthermore, these following goals arise out of the first and foremost mission of creating awareness:

To promote working relationships between Medical Massage Practitioners and other Health Care Providers.

To promote cooperative relationships between all organizations which support the Massage Therapy profession.

To provide educational resources and inspiration to enhance skills and motivation to empower Therapists to create a more successful Massage Therapy practice by implementing Medical Massage.

To promote high educational standards in Massage Therapy.

To create acceptance by the Health Insurance Industry of all forms of therapeutic massage.

Medical Massage 

A Result Oriented Approach!